ریزجلبک ها

Risk groupCultivation conditionsType strainDesignationNameOrganism typeOther collection numbersStrain number
1Aerobic, Bold's Basal Medium (Bold 1949, Bischoff & Bold 1963), 23-27°C at 14/10 h L/D, 15 DayNoA.S -S3Coelastrella sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50001
1Aerobic, Bold's Basal Medium (Bold 1949, Bischoff and Bold 1963), 25°C, at 14/10 h L/D, 15 DayNoKh.A.d1Chlorecaceae (Chlorella clade)ALGAE-IBRC-M 50021
1Aerobic, Bold's Basal Medium (Bold 1949, Bischoff and Bold 1963), 25°C, at 14/10 h L/D, 15 DayNoKh.A.d2Tetradesmus sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50022
1Aerobic, Bold's Basal Medium (Bold 1949, Bischoff and Bold 1963), 25°C, at 14/10 h L/D, 15 DayNoPOH1Tetradesmus sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50023
1Aerobic, Bold's Basal Medium (Bold 1949, Bischoff and Bold 1963), 25°C, at 14/10 h L/D, 15 DayNoHafDesmodesmus sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50024
1Aerobic, Bold's Basal Medium (Bold 1949, Bischoff and Bold 1963), 25°C, at 14/10 h L/D, 15 DayNoSh 4Chlorella vulgaris
Beyerinck [Beijerinck] 1890
1Aerobic, Bold's Basal Medium (Bold 1949, Bischoff and Bold 1963), 25°C, at 14/10 h L/D, 15 DayNoCan4/1Scenedesmus obtusus
Meyen 1829
1Aerobic, Bold's Basal Medium (Bold 1949, Bischoff and Bold 1963), 25°C, at 14/10 h L/D, 15 DayNocan-3Tetradesmus sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50028
1Aerobic, Modified Johnson's medium (Johnson et al,. 1968), 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNoHAGDunaliella salina
(Dunal) Teodoresco 1905
1Aerobic, Modified Johnson's medium (Johnson et al,. 1968), 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNoD.S.7.3Dunaliella sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50062
1Aerobic, Modified Johnson's medium (Johnson et al,. 1968), 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNoD.S.4Dunaliella sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50063
1Aerobic, Modified Johnson's medium (Johnson et al,. 1968), 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNoD.S.7.2Dunaliella sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50064
1Aerobic, Modified Johnson's medium (Johnson et al,. 1968), 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNoD.S.6Dunaliella sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50065
1Aerobic, Modified Johnson's medium (Johnson et al,. 1968), 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNoBONDunaliella sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50066
1Aerobic, Modified Johnson's medium (Johnson et al,. 1968), 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNoD.GDunaliella sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50067
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNoNJLChlorellacea (Chlorella clade)ALGAE-IBRC-M 50068
1Aerobic, Modified Johnson's medium (M. K. Johnson et al,. 1968), 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNo3/4Dunaliella viridis
Teodoresco 1905
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNoNJBScenedesmus obliquus
(Turpin) Kützing 1833
1Aerobic, Bold's Basal Medium (Bold 1949, Bischoff and Bold 1963), 25◦C at 14/10 h L/D, 15 DayNoNJDBracteacoccus sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50074
1Aerobic, Modified Johnson's medium (Johnson et al,. 1968), 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNoNHADunaliella sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50075
1Aerobic, Bold's Basal Medium (Bold 1949, Bischoff and Bold 1963), 25◦C at 14/10 h L/D, 15 DayNoKH 5Chlamydomonadaceae sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50076
1Aerobic, Bold's Basal Medium (Bold 1949, Bischoff and Bold 1963), 25◦C at 14/10 h L/D, 15 DayNow-has-1Tetradesmus sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50077
1Aerobic, Modified Johnson's medium (Johnson et al,. 1968), 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNoD.STDDunaliella sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50081
1Aerobic, Bold's Basal Medium (Bold 1949, Bischoff and Bold 1963), 25◦C at 14/10 h L/D, 15 DayNoSh 1Chlorella vulgaris
Beyerinck [Beijerinck] 1890
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNoH13Haematococcus lacustris
(Girod-Chantrans) Rostafinski 1875
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNochp-1Chlorella vulgaris
Beyerinck [Beijerinck] 1890
1Aerobic, Bold's Basal Medium (Bold 1949, Bischoff and Bold 1963), 25◦C at 14/10 h L/D, 15 DayNoMeigh-4Chlorella vulgaris
Beijerinck, 1890
1Aerobic, Bold's Basal Medium (Bold 1949, Bischoff and Bold 1963), 25◦C at 14/10 h L/D, 15 DayNoKH 14Tetradesmus sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50098
1Aerobic, Bold's Basal Medium (Bold 1949, Bischoff and Bold 1963), 25◦C at 14/10 h L/D, 15 DayNo8888Chlorellacea sp.
(Chlorella clade)
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNOTlsj7Scenedesmus sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50108
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNOHbr14Chlorococcum sp.
Meneghini, G. (1843)
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNOPOHMonoraphidium dybowskii
(Woloszynska) Hindák & Komárkova Legnerová in Komárková-Legnerová 1969
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNOKH2ChlamydomonadalesALGAE-IBRC-M 50114
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNO3RIScenedesmus bijugus
(Turpin)Lagerheim 1893
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNO888Chlorella sp.
(Fott & Nováková) Krienitz, E.H.Hegewald,
Hepperle, V.Huss, T.Rohr & M.Wolf 2004
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNO1 RGChlorellaceae (Chlorella clade)ALGAE-IBRC-M 50118
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNOHbr13Scenedesmus obliquus
(Turpin) Kützing 1833
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNOBR8Chlamydomonas sp.
Dangeard (1888)
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNOHabg3Coelastrella sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50143
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNOASTChlorella sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50156
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light, 14:10 h L/D, 15 DayNOChabDesmodesmus sp.
(Chodat) S.S.An, T.Friedl & E.Hegewald 2000
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light 16:8 h L/D, 14DNOkh4Chlorellacea (Chlorella clade)ALGAE-IBRC-M 50161
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25°C, at light 16:8 h L/D, 14dNolis2Scenedesmus rubescens
(Dangeard) Kessler et al 1997
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25°C, at light 16:8 h L/D, 14dNocan6Scenedesmus sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50165
1Aerobic, F/2-Si, 28 C at light 12:12 h L/D, 10DNoseClosteriopsis acicularis
(Chodat) J.H.Belcher & Swale
1Aerobic, F/2-Si, 28 C at light 12:12 h L/D, 10DNoNanChlorellaceae sp.
(Chlorella clade)
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25°C, at light 16:8 h L/D, 15dNoGarab4/3Coccomyxa sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50169
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25°C, at light 16:8 h L/D, 15dNoGaz2/3Monoraphidium sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50170
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light 16:8 h L/D, 14DNokh6Coccomyxa sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50171
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light 16:8 h L/D, 14DNodeq6/3Micractinium sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50172
1Aerobic, BG11 Medium, 24-27◦C at light 16:8 h L/D, 5-8 DayNoIG-B-96Chlorellaceae sp. (Chlorella clade)ALGAE-IBRC-M 50183
1Aerobic, BG11 Medium, 24-27◦C at light 16:8 h L/D, 5-8 DayNoIG-R-96Chlorellaceae sp. (Chlorella clade)ALGAE-IBRC-M 50184
1Aerobic, BG11 Medium, 24-27◦C at light 16:8 h L/D, 5-8 DayNoIG-W-96Chlorellaceae sp. (Chlorella clade)ALGAE-IBRC-M 50185
1Aerobic, BG11 Medium, 24-27◦C at light 16:8 h L/D, 5-8 DayNoPG.96Chlorellaceae sp. (Chlorella clade)ALGAE-IBRC-M 50186
1Aerobic, BG11 Medium, 24-27◦C at light 16:8 h L/D, 5-8 DayNoSG.96Chlorellaceae sp. (Chlorella clade)ALGAE-IBRC-M 50187
1Aerobic, : BBM agar/ TAP agar, 28◦C at light 112:12 h L/D cycle, 3DayNoVT-1Chlamydomonas sp.ALGAECCAP11/3IBRC-M 50188
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light 16:8 h L/D, 14DNo2.1Tetradesmus sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50189
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light 16:8 h L/D, 14DNoKal2/2Coccomyxa sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50194
1Aerobic, BBM Medium, 25◦C at light 16:8 h L/D, 14DNoAZChlorellaceae (Chlorella clade)ALGAE-IBRC-M 50196
1Aerobic, YM, 30◦C, 48hNoSDG11Prototheca sp.ALGAE-IBRC-M 50200